Through our Social Studies Department, Theology, Philosophy and Religion (TPR) is taught to our students as a multi-faith subject under the auspices of the Independent Schools Exam Board (UK) and is examined at Common Entrance at Form 2.   The curriculum informs children to the 
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After a long hiatus from competitive sports due to the COVID pandemic, Team TRRS excelled at the 2022 ISSAG meet. Both Girls & Boys Teams performed very well in all fields, and we are very pleased to share with you the highlights!   Badminton  Girls 
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Pupils of The Roman Ridge School (TRRS) were invited to perform at the 2022 Lighting of the Christmas Tree at the Kempinski Gold Coast Hotel on the evening of Sunday 4 December 2022. This event ushered in the Festive Season, with Her Excellency the First 
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As part of activities to mark International Cyber Security Awareness month in October 2022, staff of KPMG visited TRRS from 24 to 27 October to enlighten our students on the importance of online safety and to empower them to create a trusted digital world. Building 
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As part of our commemoration of United Nations Day, on Friday 28 October 2022, students of TRRS held an International Cultural Showcase to celebrate diversity and multiculturalism. Students whose families hail from countries outside of Ghana came together to stage short performances, to share a 
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TRRS commemorated this year’s Remembrance Day on Friday 11 November 2022. In the days leading up to the ceremony, students across the school watched videos explaining the significance of Remembrance Day in the History of Ghana and the world over. Our Prefects and Student Committees 
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Afia Akowuah (Class 6 East) and Kwabena Akowuah (Form 2 West) emerged first and second respectively in the Robotics Inspired Science Education (RiSE) 2021 Competition. RiSE, under the patronage of the Ghana Robotics Academy Foundation, was founded with the mission to inspire, unlock creativity, innovation 
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The Roman Ridge School is committed to providing a holistic educational programme centred on sound pastoral care for our children. We believe that good mental health and emotional wellbeing are essential to the overall health and development of children, which is an important component of 
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Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations, where students play the role of delegates from different countries and address real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. On 6 & 7 October 2022, TRRS students organised a Model 
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History students from Form 4 to Upper 6 embarked on an educational tour to the Parliament of Ghana on 26 October 2022. Under the auspices of the Parliamentary Training Institute, our students enjoyed an in-depth lecture entitled: The Role of the Legislature Arm of Government 
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Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.
Roman Ridge School
Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.
Roman Ridge School