CITIZEN AWARENESS CAMPAIGN: See something, say something

On Thursday 7 December 2023, students in Form 3 and 4 engaged with facilitators from the Ministry of National Security, as part of the on-going nation-wide citizen safety campaign: SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING.  

Led by Ms. Irene Yaa Frimpong, the interactive sessions conscientised students on the benefits and advantages citizens enjoy in a safe and stable country. This was followed by a comparative analysis of the challenges faced by young people in countries struggling with conflict. They introduced students to an acronym (SALUTE) used to help citizens stay vigilant against suspicious activity:

Size: Number of people and physical characteristics

Activity:  What the individuals are doing

Location: Where the activity is taking place

Unit:  Identify unique identifiers like uniforms or symbols

Time: When observation occurred

Equipment: Any tools or weapons noticed

Sessions were engaging and students demonstrated their great critical thinking skills – questioning assumptions and analysing scenarios during the exciting Q & A session!

Before concluding, students were urged to take proactive steps to keep Ghana safe for all citizens:

1. Stay Informed

2. Share knowledge and educate others

3. Practice situational awareness

4. Collaborate with authorities

5. Participate in safety initiatives

Students were further encouraged to equip themselves with the skills taught and not only to enhance their personal safety, but to promote security in our communities and our country Ghana.

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