TRRS Anti-Bullying Campaign

TRRS is dedicated to fostering a safe and welcoming school environment and actively combats bullying in all its forms through various activities and events, throughout the school year.

In the Christmas Term, students planned a series of Special Events to commemorate the International Day Against Bullying held annually on 5 November. At the beginning of the month, Sixth Form students launched a focused week-long Anti-Bullying Campaign, featuring a series of engaging activities and class discussions about the importance of respect and inclusion, as well as various forms of bullying, its consequences, and proactive measures to prevent it.

On 6 November 2023, we were pleased to hold Special Talks on cyberbullying awareness and digital citizenship featuring expert facilitators:

· Mr. Felix Kakk Esiape: Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), an EC-Council Certified Security Analyst (ECSA), and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP). Lead Consultant at W3S Ltd, a Ghanaian Information Technology company that specializes in providing IT Security consultancy and building secured solutions based on World Wide Web technologies as well as a proud parent of TRRS.

· Mr. Nelson Darko: Senior Manager of the Child Online Protection unit at the Cyber Security Authority, brings a background in Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity.

· Ms. Jael Amponsah Bempah: Assistant Manager of the Child Online Protection unit at the Cyber Security Authority.

The sessions covered the following key areas:

·         Responsible internet usage

·         Managing your online reputation and digital footprints

·         Online Privacy

·         Cyberbullying and its repercussions

·         Distinguishing between online and real-life interactions

Facilitators focused on key principles of Digital Citizenship and topics related to safe, healthy online practices, promoting responsible internet usage and online kindness:

• Online cruelty is a form of bullying. Refrain from using the online space to harm others; if it’s not kind, it’s best left unsaid.

• Make thoughtful choices in your online interactions. Prioritise your safety in the face of potential online risks.

• Safeguard your online privacy. Never share personal information, locations, or photos online; protect yourself and your identity.

• Be mindful of your digital footprint. Remember that nothing is entirely private on the internet. Your messages can be shared and your online posts may resurface later.

• Think before you type. Recognise the real-life consequences of online words and ensure your online communication is respectful and considerate.

• Understand that online life is not real life! What you see on social media may not reflect reality; it’s often a form of advertising and marketing.

Later in the week, Form Tutors led the “Say Something Nice Initiative,” a simple yet effective activity to promote kindness within our classrooms. Videos and resources were shared to encourage a culture of kindness and positivity. Students performed a moving skit at Assembly entitled, “Empowered Upstanders: Taking a Stand Against Bullying” which highlighted strategies to address bullying, encouraging students to become upstanders and take action when they witness bullying.

TRRS’s week-long Anti-bullying Campaign successfully promoted awareness, empathy, and respect among our students. In the Easter Term, students continue to champion a Bully-Free School! We are grateful for the unwavering commitment of our educators and students in creating a positive and inclusive school environment. Together, we stand united against bullying, and we will continue our efforts to ensure TRRS remains a bully-free zone. Thank you to all who continue to support and participate in this important campaign.

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