Geography Students Visit the Ghana Meteorological Agency Headquarters & Weather Station

Geography students from Form 4 and Form 5 recently embarked on an enriching educational visit to the Headquarters of the Ghana Meteorological Agency located at Legon. The purpose of their visit was to gain firsthand knowledge of weather monitoring and forecasting processes, which are topics in the IGCSE Geography Curriculum.

Upon arrival, students were taken on a comprehensive tour of the observatory, where an array of sophisticated digital equipment, alongside traditional manual weather measuring instruments were meticulously installed to capture various elements of weather. During this insightful tour, students actively engaged in discussions regarding the advantages and disadvantages of both digital and manual weather instruments, deepening their understanding of meteorological data collection methods.

One of the highlights of the visit was the exclusive access granted to students into the Central Forecast Analysis Office – the operational heart of the weather station. Here, they witnessed firsthand how the amassed data is analysed and utilised in forecasting weather patterns. This experience provided students with a profound insight into the intricate process of weather prediction.

Additionally, students were afforded a rare opportunity to step into the weather studio, where they presented a fictional weather forecast for the day, learning how to effectively communicate the forecasted data patterns.

This visit served its purpose as it truly offered our students a practical experience and a unique perspective. We are grateful to the Ghana Meteorological Agency for this opportunity.

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