As part of our Annual United Nations Day celebration, TRRS organises an International Cultural Showcase to embrace the beauty and richness of cross-culturalism in our School Community. Last year’s programme took place on Friday 3 November 2023 and pupils proudly exhibited their country’s culture and 
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To help our students better appreciate the evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, as well as the ethical issues around its application and impact on our lives, we were pleased to welcome Mr. Abdoulaye Diack (TRRS Parent and Google Research Programme Manager for Artificial 
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World Environmental Health Day, observed annually on September 26th, is a global reminder of the critical need to address environmental challenges and their impact on public health. This day serves as a call to action to safeguard our planet for future generations here in Ghana 
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The Roman Ridge School is synonymous with excellence in all pursuits and The Chairman’s Bursary, established in 2014 by Co-Founder and Board Chairman Dr. Frank B. Adu Jr, awards students with a term’s bursary, valued at US$ 2,300, at Sixth Form for attaining straight As 
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Zonta International, a leading global organization of dedicated professionals is committed to empowering women through service and advocacy. The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Award was designed to honour young women aged 16 to 19, who exhibit exceptional leadership skills and an 
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The Harvard Book Prize is awarded annually to outstanding students, based on their academic excellence, exceptional personal qualities, their contribution to their school or community and their written response to an essay prompt. We are pleased to announce that Joanita Dede Sallah (Lower 6 West) 
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The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) Art Competition, known as iArt, is a highly regarded art competition held annually to serve as a platform to recognise and celebrate unique artistic talents of thousands of students in member schools across the globe. This year, the 
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As part of our commitment to the community at large, the Class of 2023 has had the honour of working with our friends at Dzorwulu A & B over the past year. Our project builds upon the great work done by our predecessors. We’ve had 
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TRRS celebrated Ghana’s 66th Independence Day under the theme; ‘Celebration of Festivals’, in grand style. All in attendance were treated to a rich and colourful display of Ghanaian culture and heritage. Special guests of honour were Nana Osim Kwatia II (Gyasehene & Chief of Amanokrom, 
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TRRS is proud to announce the 2023 – 2024 Prefect Body. As Student Leaders, their goal is to help create an engaging close-knit community where all students are comfortable to share, learn and interact with one another. They further aim to build upon the great 
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Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.
Roman Ridge School
Here is always singing new songs and expressing new ideas he learned at school.
Roman Ridge School