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Year 4 Pupils Visit Bethel Dental Clinic

Our Year 4 pupils went on a fieldtrip to the Bethel Dental Clinic in Dzorwulu on 9th and 10th February 2023. This was to reinforce the importance of good oral hygiene and the need to look after your teeth, topics which they have covered in class.

Pupils were taken through a very informative PowerPoint presentation on good oral care. They experimented with yeast and sugar to see their effects on the enamel and dentine of teeth. They also had a walkaround the clinic and even had the opportunity to sit in the Dentist’s chair to have an oral examination.

At the end of the tour, pupils received a gift bag which included dental floss, toothbrushes & toothpastes from the clinic.

TRRS is extremely grateful to the management and staff of Bethel Dental Clinic for such a warm welcome. We know our pupils will continue to look after their teeth by maintaining good oral hygiene!

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