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Form One & Class Six Geography Students Visit the Shai Hills Resource Reserve

In the month of January 2023, Form 1 & Class 6 Geography students visited the hilly rocks and grassy plains of the Shai Hills Resource Reserve to gain a better understanding of how the environment is maintained and enhanced on a sustainable basis.

Students were welcomed at the gate by a troop of Anubis baboons, also known as the olive baboon, which was quite the sight! After going through registration formalities, they set out to see the ostriches and zebras followed by a tour of the Museum of Natural & Cultural History which showcases relics of the history of the Nature Reserve. Students also had the rare opportunity of seeing several Kob antelopes as they drove through the nature reserve.

They also had the opportunity to engage in activities like hiking, rock climbing, game viewing and bird watching. Some other exciting places explored in the nature reserve were the Sayu Cave, one of the 3 caves found on the Shai Hills Resource Reserve which is situated near the Mogo Hill as well as being in the shadow of the Utekoche Hill, both of which are home to birds, baboons and green monkeys.

It was a most informative day and students much enjoyed the experience. Our sincere appreciation to the wardens of the Nature Reserve.

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