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TRRS hosts a Special Awards Ceremony for all medallists of the 2021 Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition

The highest student participation of any school in Ghana, Africa and the second-highest globally.

On Monday 13 December 2021, the School hosted a Special Awards Ceremony to celebrate the participants and medal winners of the 2021 Queen’s Commonwealth essay competition. All COVID-19 protocols were strictly observed with separate ceremonies held for Bronze, Silver & Gold medal winners.

The School welcomed Dignitaries and Special Guests, including Nana Osim Kwatia II (Chief of Amanokrom and Gyasehene of Akuapem Traditional Area, and, Member of the Academic Board of Governors, TRRS), Her Excellency the British High Commissioner to Ghana, Ms. Harriet Clare Thompson, Mr. Gabby Otchere-Darko (Chairman, Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council), Mr. John Apea (Head of Mission, Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council), Ms. Nana Adjoa Hackman (Africa Law Associates & Legal Partner of the Commonwealth Enterprise & Investment Council), Ms. Josephine Nkrumah (Chair, National Commission for Civic Education), Mr. Victor Kisseih (Seekapor Ghana), Dr. Charles Yeboah (Director, International Community School) and Mr. Drew, renowned Hiplife Artiste.

Also in attendance was Rev. Dr. Joyce R. Aryee (Chair of the Academic Board of Governors, TRRS), Mr. Carl Sackey (Member of the Academic Board of Governors, TRRS), Mr. Sampson Atiemo (PTA Chairman, TRRS), Ms Kate Amo (PTA Executive, TRRS), Mr. Gerard Boakye (PTA Executive, TRRS) and Mrs. Ramya Ediga (PTA Executive, TRRS).

In her opening remarks, Mrs. Valerie Mainoo (Principal, TRRS) commended her students for always rising to the challenge and congratulated them for their outstanding performance again this year. She paid special mention to Teachers across the school, thanking them for their hard work and unwavering commitment to excellence in and out the classroom, year on year.

Her Excellency Harriet Clare Thompson congratulated our students for their outstanding achievements in this prestigious international competition. She spoke with passion about the vibrancy of Ghanaian culture and the need for young Ghanaians to seize every opportunity to tell their own stories from their perspective. 

Mr. Gabby Otchere-Darko spoke to the importance of teamwork, collaboration and healthy competition in order to excel. He further said that achievements such as these speak to Ghana’s promising future and fills him with much optimism for what is to come. Mr. John Apea, encouraged students to use every opportunity to tell their own stories and ensure that their voices are heard, quoting the African Proverb, ‘Until the Lion learns to write, the story will always glorify the Hunter.’

The highest number of medals of any school in Ghana, Africa and Joint First Place globally.

Mr. Drew, emphasised the importance of being able to read, write and communicate fluently. Calling on his own experiences, he explained he uses the written word to create lyrics which speak artistically to his diverse audience. He further explained how his strong literacy skills have helped him understand and negotiate contracts ensuring that his interests are always met. He highlighted his visit with an impromptu acapella rendition of his smash hit ‘Mood’, much to the delight of our students and the entire audience.

Dr. Frank B. Adu Jnr (Chairman of Board of Directors, TRRS) in a message read on his behalf by Ms. Gloria Dakwa (Head of the Junior School, TRRS) said …

“It is said that when a person learns how to read, they gain access to a world of knowledge. Indeed studies show that communities with strong literacy skills generally have a better standard of health and offer greater prospects for individuals who live in them. A literate person is empowered, they are the captain of their own ship! 

Here at The Roman Ridge School, we place much emphasis on our Literacy programme. Not only are our students guided through a broad and balanced literacy experience to help them meet and surpass age expected levels, they are also challenged to use language as an expressive tool to effectively articulate their thoughts and ideas. Furthermore, they are guided to become competent public speakers, confident in their abilities and are able to communicate to their given audience with ease. We also place great emphasis on the ability to listen!

These skills are the foundation on which our consistent achievements in the Queen’s Commonwealth essay competition are built. We must once again commend our staff for their exceptional day to day work with the students. These performances speak to your professionalism.

As for our students, we are in awe of you. Your creativity, imagination and effective use of the written word is indeed world class, literally! Your achievements can not be overstated. Excelling in your class is an impressive feat, doing so at a regional level is exceptional but to do so year after year on a global scale is mighty impressive. Many of us spend our lives striving for success without ever attaining it, and yet here you are, consistently doing so with your whole lives still ahead of you.

Part of the school’s mission is to develop our students to, one day, make a significant impact in the world and lives of those who come across them. We are so very proud that you are doing so already. You are the realisation of a vision, you are the realisation of our mission.

Congratulations students, bask in your achievements, it is very well earned. May God continue to richly bless you all!”

In closing Rev. Dr. Joyce R. Aryee reiterated the importance of Literacy in all facets of life, regardless of one’s area of study or career path.  She extended her heartfelt congratulations to our students, our teachers and our families on this historical milestone.  

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