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To commemorate World Press Freedom Day, Students across the entire school worked with their Teachers to create an exciting and informative programme. This event took place over the school day under this year’s global theme: Journalism Under Digital Siege.  

Form 4 students recorded a news segment for Ridge Radio 99.9 mHz, which was broadcast school wide. Activities continued with pupils of the Junior School taking turns to present recitals, followed by a Pulitzer award winning interview with Mr Emmanuel Gbedemah (TRRS History Teacher), a onetime freelance journalist who holds a degree from the Ghana Institute of Journalism.

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This was followed by a Middle & Senior School skit that spoke to the adversities that some journalists endure. We were pleased to welcome Mr Caleb Kudah, CitiFM and CitiTV journalist and producer of the award-winning morning show programme CitiCBS. Mr. Kudah was interviewed by Fafali Attipoe (F2 Atifi) and spoke passionately about the importance of journalistic freedom. He shed light on some of the challenges journalists face to ensure that the full story is heard by the public.  

Senior School students enjoyed an inspiring interview with media giants from Excellence in Broadcasting (EIB) Network, led by its CEO & TRRS Parent, Mr. Nathan Anokye-Adisi, AKA Bola Ray. He was joined by Female Broadcast Journalist of the Year Ms. Lily Mohammed, and the Morning Show host of StarrFM, Mr Francis Abban. They each took turns to reflect on their profession and fielded questions from our students about their motivation to pursue a career in journalism. The panel emphasised the importance of strong reading, writing and communication skills to succeed in a professional career in journalism.

It was an excellent day much enjoyed by all in attendance.   

World Press Freedom Day is commemorated around the globe annually on 3 May. It seeks to celebrate the field of journalism and recognise the challenging work of journalists, who often put themselves at risk to shed light on important issues that are matters of public interest.