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Message from Head of Senior School:

Entering the Senior School marks an important stage in a student’s educational journey. Starting at Form Three, our learners are encouraged to begin working beyond their comfort zone. Lessons and topics begin to become more challenging and more demanding as the IGCSE courses are introduced. Students begin to think critically and questions become more important than answers. Indeed, it is that learning experience and the pursuit of excellence that shapes each student’s development, both in and out of the classroom.

At The Roman Ridge School, we offer a variety of opportunities outside the classroom, namely Community Service and team building activities such as Sports and Clubs. This provides students with a chance to explore their passion and find their voices in the context of a supportive and nurturing community, falling in line with our founders’ mission and vision: “To develop our children to believe in themselves by nurturing, incorporating and applying their talents, gifts, abilities, and character.”

As we progress year by year, our academic and extra-curricular programmes grow from strength to strength. We also aim to develop in our students a strong global perspective which encourages them to accept the challenge of leadership in the world beyond the school gates and we will continue to do so year in year out.


Mrs. Josiane Chammas.

Senior School (IGCSE & GCE AS/A Level)

IGCSE Programme (Forms 3- 5)

Our Senior School programme provides our adolescent students with a safe environment to fully develop their interests and grow into themselves academically and socially, under the watchful eye and strong mentorship of experienced Teachers. We support the development of identified talents & interests to a higher level and create opportunities for students to serve as good role models for younger students and impact positively on the wider community through various outreach projects and initiatives. Our students are guided to develop maturity and responsibility in all areas of life, appreciate diversity and tolerate the views and beliefs of others.  We build up strong leadership skills and their ability to work well in teams, promote public speaking both in and out of the classroom and seize the opportunity to perform and share our ideas and talents through a variety of student-led events.


In the Senior School, we actively encourage each student to take responsibility for their learning and research beyond the curriculum expand key skill development and ensure in-depth knowledge and understanding across subject areas. There is a strong emphasis on critical thinking, analysis, evaluation using evidence, application, presentation, design thinking & creativity.

The Roman Ridge school is a certified Cambridge International Examinations Centre. At the end of Form 5 our students sit their IGCSE Examinations to qualify for entry into our Sixth Form College, where they will prepare to sit for AS/A Level Examinations at the end of Upper Six.


Secondary Programme – IGCSE Qualifications (Cambridge International)


Upon entry into the Senior School in Form 3, students at TRRS are introduced to all subjects offered and given the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the demands and scope of each subject. In Form 4, students select 7-9 subjects to study at IGCSE.  To ensure our students are fully prepared for post-secondary educational studies, including the AS/A Level qualification, our IGCSE programme consists of compulsory and elective subjects, which are outlined below:


Compulsory Subjects

First Language English                                    French

English Literature                                              Co-ordinated Science or Triple Science

Mathematics (Extended)                                 Physical Education


Elective Subjects

History                                                                  Information & Communication Technology

Geography                                                          Art & Design

Economics                                                          Additional Mathematics


Summary of IGCSE Results

May / June 2022

May / June 2023

Sixth Form College – AS/A Level Qualifications (Cambridge International)


Students may qualify for entry into our Sixth Form College to complete an Advanced Subsidiary (AS) or Advanced (A) Level qualification over the course of two years, based on their grades obtained at IGCSE.  The entry criteria for these programmes are outlined below:


AS Level Programme (2 Years – All papers sat at end of Upper 6)

Minimum Entry Requirements: A minimum of 4-5 passes of a C or higher at IGCSE, including either Maths or English Language (IGCSE re-sit in either subject will be arranged in Oct/Nov of Lower 6 if required), with a minimum grade of C in subjects they intend to study at AS Level.


A Level Programme (2 Years – All papers sat at end of Upper 6)

Minimum Entry Requirements: A minimum of 6 passes of a C or higher at IGCSE, including both Maths and English Language, with a minimum grade of B in subjects they intend to study at A Level.


Art & Design                                                                                               French

Geography                                                                                                  Physics

History                                                                                                         Biology

Information Technology                                                                         Chemistry

Mathematics                                                                                              Economics

English Language                                                                                     English Literature


AS/A Level qualifications are internationally recognised by universities and tertiary institutions for programmes of further study. At the point of application, we can assist you to confirm if your qualification and subject selection at Sixth Form will meet the general admission requirements of the universities you are interested in.


Students applying for entry into TRRS Sixth Form College from a different secondary school must sit for a Diagnostic Assessment in the subjects they wish to study at AS/A Level.


Any applicants who have not completed the IGCSE will be asked to sit for an Entrance Assessment and may qualify for entry to our Sixth Form based on these results.


Students success in the Sixth Form depends heavily on the investment they put into their courses. Their coursework requirements are very rigorous and consists of frequent assignments, test/quizzes, projects, practical work and presentations, alongside regular controlled assessments.  Most of the work will be at a level of difficulty and complexity not previously encountered by students, requiring them to complete independent research and further study outside of class.


Summary of AS / A Level Results

May / June 2022

May / June 2023


We are committed to preparing our students to go on to university and excel. Our Careers & Guidance Department works hand-in-hand with each student and their family to provide full support throughout the selection and university application process. We provide all student with opportunities to complete internships and work placements, to deepen their interest in various career paths and field of study. Our students have gained admission to some of the top universities across the globe, with many choosing to further their education at some of the world most prestigious institutions in the UK, Canada, USA, Europe, Asia & Ghana.


Please visit the link below to see a summary of university offers and awards