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Enyonam & Awura Abena get published in the International Anthology “​In Her Words – Vol. 2”

Essays on Gender Equality by Enyonam Akosua Attipoe and Awura Abena Pokuaa Boateng-Mensah, both Lower 6 Form students at TRRS, have been published in the second edition of the renowned International Anthology, “In Her Words.”

Enyonam’s engrossing essay, “Pillars,” insists that women can equally take up C-Suite positions to make critical and life-changing decisions that will shape our world today. She calls for further equal opportunities for females, urging women in positions of power & influence to leave a legacy of empowerment to pave the way for girls in all sectors of society.

Awura Abena’s inspirational piece, entitled: “Fighting my… your…our … painful reality,” highlighted the fears many girls face on our continent. She further highlighted critical societal and cultural barriers many girls face, especially in Ghana and indeed Africa as a whole. She challenged girls to break down these obstacles, seize all available opportunities and strive to be the best versions of themselves, to achieve greater heights.

The second volume of “In Her Words” focuses on the voices of African girls aged 13 to 18. The essays reflect the attitudes, frustrations, and hopes of African girls from the continent on what gender equality means to them and how they often see these inequalities manifesting in their young lives.

Out of the numerous entries received, the work of only 14 girls were selected for publication in this anthology. Both Enyonam & Awura Abena were mentored by authors published in the first volume, which they found to be an enriching and fulfilling experience.

We extend our sincere congratulations to Enyonam & Awura Abena for this tremendous effort! May their achievement inspire and encourage all students to also use the written word to make their voices heard and to showcase their talents and creativity!

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