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Class of 2023 Community Service Project

As part of our commitment to the community at large, the Class of 2023 has had the honour of working with our friends at Dzorwulu A & B over the past year. Our project builds upon the great work done by our predecessors. We’ve had the chance to visit Dzorwulu A & B as part of the Ridge Readers Literacy Programme, reading weekly with the younger classes and enjoying sports and various activities with them.

From our observations during our visits there, and in consultation with the management of the school, we realised the dire state of the school’s courtyard which was prone to terrible flooding whenever it rained. TRRS has always promoted a healthy lifestyle and diet, which gave rise to the tradition of a week-long Sugar Strike that envisaged students to give up foods with refined sugar. As is custom during this drive, we distributed pledge cards to all classes and encouraged students to contribute whatever amount they could.

We are pleased to announce that our drive was extremely successful, and, thanks to your support, we were able to raise over GHS 60,000. This money was used to fix the drainage system in front of the school and to spread gravel across their entire courtyard.

We thank each and every student, parent and member of staff at TRRS for their contributions. Without you, this project would not have been possible. Thank you too to the management, staff and students of Dzorwulu A & B for giving us this wonderful opportunity. You have always been so welcoming to us, and we are extremely grateful to have been able to spend time with you and build on the long-standing relationship between our schools.

WITH LOVE FROM the Class of 2023

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