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TRRS once again tops the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition

Pupils of The Roman Ridge School (TRRS) were awarded an astounding 219 medals after participating in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition 2022, the highest number of medals received by any school in Ghana and Africa. TRRS has topped this prestigious international writing competition in Ghana consistently since 2015.

The Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition is the world’s oldest schools’ international writing competition, managed by The Royal Commonwealth Society since 1883. Each year, young people write on a theme that stems from the Commonwealth’s values and principles, developing key literacy skills whilst also fostering an empathetic and open-minded world view. In 2022, a record-breaking 26,300 globally participated in the 2022 competition, themed: Our Commonwealth and centred on topics relating to leadership, duty and service to the community and the importance of global unity, especially in the face of crisis and conflict.

TRRS has proudly participated in the Queen’s Commonwealth Essay Competition since 2011 and has consistently earned the most medals of any school in Ghana since 2015. In 2022, TRRS submitted a record breaking 543 entries, recognised globally as the school with the highest number of entries worldwide for the 2022 competition.

Of these 543 entries, pupils of The Roman Ridge School have earned an outstanding 219 medals:

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140 Bronze medals, 66 Silver medals, 11 Gold medals and 2 Gold Finalist awards for Evol Nuwokpor (Form 2) & Liam Jesse Jonah-Nordjor (Class 6), who were gold medal winners shortlisted for the overall global prize, alongside only 22 other finalists nominated in Africa.

Aside confirming TRRS as having the highest number of entries of any school globally, The Royal Commonwealth Society also confirmed that of all schools globally, The Roman Ridge School had the highest number of medals of any school in Ghana and of any school in Africa.

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On Tuesday 17 January 2023 the school hosted a Special Awards Ceremony to celebrate the participants and medal winners of the 2022 competition. Dr. Frank B. Adu Jnr (Chairman, TRRS Board of Directors) congratulated the pupils on their record-breaking performance, emphasising the importance of literacy for all and defining it as, “…the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that allows us to communicate effectively and make sense of the world.” Dr. Adu reminded medal winners that, “Literacy builds nations.” and quoted the late past Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, who said, ‘Literacy is the bridge from misery to hope.’

TRRS was pleased to welcome Her Excellency Mrs. Harriet Thompson – British High Commissioner to Ghana, as the Special Guest of Honour. Before presenting the Gold Medal & Gold Medal Finalist Awards, Her Excellency congratulated our pupils for their outstanding achievement in this prestigious international competition. She reminded all in attendance how important strong skills in reading, writing and communication are to succeed in life, regardless of their chosen path.

Mrs. Valerie Mainoo (TRRS Principal) commended pupils for, “having the courage and confidence to put themselves forward and share their stories with the world.” She also seized the opportunity to recognise English Teachers across the whole school and express the school’s appreciation for all their hard work, year after year.

In closing, Rev. Dr. Joyce R. Aryee (Chair of TRRS Academic Board of Governors) congratulated pupils, urging them to strive for even greater heights and to put down their gadgets and rather explore the joys of reading, writing and communicating with others, before delivering a special prayer.

We proudly salute our exceptional pupils for continuing to fly the TRRS flag, and indeed our Ghanaian national flag, high & proud on the international stage. Bravo & a job well done!

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