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TRRS Model UN Conference 2022

Model United Nations is an academic simulation of the United Nations, where students play the role of delegates from different countries and address real world issues with the policies and perspectives of their assigned country. On 6 & 7 October 2022, TRRS students organised a Model UN Conference guided by the theme: A Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions to Interlocking Challenges.

Utilising their skills in conflict resolution, dialogue and diplomacy, delegates from Form 3 to Upper 6 sought to find lasting solutions to complex global issues, including: the harsh enforcement of the wearing of the Hijab in Iran, the global trade of illicit drugs and narcotics, the inaccessibility to education for girls & women in the Islamic State of Afghanistan, the ill-treatment of Filipino migrant workers around the world, the ongoing civil war in Somalia and collective nuclear disarmament.

Best Delegate Awards were presented to the following delegates for their outstanding performance in this year’s conference:

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Nana Adjoa Forson (Form 5 Atifi – United Nations Security Council)

Christine Abbey (Form 4 East – United Nations Human Right Council)

Tanefa Asem (Form 5 West – United Nations Economic and Social Council)

Nana Yaw Koranteng (Form 5 West – United Nations Council on Drugs & Crime)

A special thank you goes to our brilliant Secretary-General, Sneh Van (Senior School Prefect 2022-23) and the MUN Planning Committee for all their efforts in ensuring an exciting and insightful conference. We look forward to more such events to enhance our students’ communication skills, alongside their passion and interest in current affairs and global issues.

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